We are a very unique Family Office. We do not look for Capital’s Preservation through fear – we only invest our own principal capital into assets that contribute to Human betterment

We are risk takers by definition and our wealth was built around entrepreneurship – finding distortions and looking for simplicity in the Real Economy

Our Model

We built our model over decades of entrepreneurship and exposure to a variety of industries and sectors from Agro, Credit, Pharmaceuticals, Logistics, Infrastructure all the way to Deep Tech

We base ourselves on a very meticulous allocation strategy and rigorous investment processes, always embracing and managing risk all the way through

Our Early Days

In 2003, we started building an ecosystem of entrepreneurs – always strived to connect more than just people to capital – we looked for people that wanted to change paradigms

Since then, we have always gone beyond the ESG, even when the three letters were not so fancy and usually frowned upon

Our Background

All assets are managed by extremely experienced serial entrepreneurs with a 20 year track record coming from a legal and financial background. Our principals have worked for leading Law Firms, I-Banks, Private Equities and Hedge Funds in Europe and in the USA

Our Portfolio

The companies we invest are not just disruptive, they tackle fundamental problems facing the human race by addressing a magnitude of global issues such as climate change, resource depletion, agriculture – decade old challenges, intractable problems in the real-world – with an impact in everyday life. Our Deep Tech is able not only to Capture Carbon but also to apply that same element into thousands of different possibilities back into a Sustainable Economic Model – a truly Positive Global Impact

The global monetary value of the assets held in our investment portfolio are over €10 Billion and still growing

Contact us: info@akme.ch  

Viale Carlo Cattaneo 1, 6900 Lugano – Switzerland